Support at UEL

Equality and Diversity team

  • 0208 223 5599 (Docklands)
  • 0208 223 4073 (Stratford)
  • 0208 223 7888 (USS)

Student Wellbeing Team or 0203 223 4444

Independent Sexual Domestic Violence Advisor (ISDVA)

Disability & Dyslexia Team or 0203 223 4444

Bullying and Harassment


Emergency Services: 999

Citizens Advice Bureau 
For support and advice about discrimination at work.

Equality Advisory and Support Service 
For advice and support if you think you have been treated unfairly.

Victim Support
Help anyone who has been the victim of a crime. They can support you coping with the after-effects of crime and help with reporting to the police.

Hate Crime

Citizens Advice on Racist and Religious Hate Crime
Citizens Advice provides further information on racist and religious hate crime.

CPS Policy on Prosecuting Racist & Religious Hate crimes
The Crown Prosecuting Service sets out their policy and provides further information.

Citizens Advice on Homophobic and Transphobic Hate Crime
Citizens Advice provides further information on homophobic and transphobic hate crime

CPS policy on Prosecuting Homophobic and Transphobic Hate Crimes
The Crown Prosecuting Service sets out their policy and provides further information.

Citizens Advice on Disability Hate Crime
Citizens Advice provides further information on disability related hate crime.

CPS policy on prosecuting Disability Hate Crimes
The Crown Prosecuting Service sets out their policy and provides further information.

True Vision
Offers guidance on reporting hate crime and hate incidents. If you do not wish to talk to anyone in person about the incident or wish to remain anonymous there is an online form for reporting hate crime; you can report non-crime hate incidents to the police to try and prevent any escalation in seriousness.

Internet Hate Crime 
True Vision also provide further information on internet hate crime.

Equality Advisory and Support Service 
For advice and support if you think you have been treated unfairly.

Mental Wellbeing

The University’s Wellbeing Team provides further information on  mental health and wellbeing. 

The Student Assistance Programme (SAP) is a free, confidential counselling and wellbeing support service available to all students.
You can also access the service by contacting:
Freephone UK: 0800 031 8227
WhatsApp/SMS: Text ‘Hi’ to +44 7418 360 780
International: 00353 1 518 0277

EAP (staff) or 0800 389 0285

Time to Change 
A growing movement that exists to transform how we all think and act about mental health problems.

Rethink Mental illness 
Provides further information on the types of mental health problems people might face.

Refuge National Domestic Violence Helpline
If you are a woman who is experiencing domestic violence please call 0808 2000 247.

Alcohol Change
Supporting anyone with alcohol related concerns.

Charity offering help, treatment and training on how to tackle eating disorders.

Cruse Bereavement Care
For anybody who experienced bereavement.

Drug and alcohol abuse support.

Time to Change
Provides more information about specific mental health problems

For anyone who experiences problems with gambling.

The Listening Place
For anybody who feels that there life if no longer worth living for.

Mental health charity that provide advice and support for anybody experiencing a mental health problem.

One in Four
For people who have experienced sexual abuse and trauma.

Pink Therapy
Largest London charity working with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and others who identify as being gender or sexual diversities.

Students Against Depression 
Supporting students who experience depression.

Relationship Abuse, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault

Information and support for men who experience relationship abuse. Advice line open Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.
Tel (if you are experiencing relationship abuse): 0808 801 0327
Tel (if you are hurting someone you love and need help to stop): 0808 802 4040

Women and Girls’ Network
Counselling and support to help women and girls recover from violence.
Tel: 0808 801 0770

Open 10.00am-4.00pm, Monday to Friday
Tel: 0345 600 0459

Charity that supports lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and queer people affected by sexual and domestic violence.
Incident report form (note UEL will not see this report or any of its contents)

Helps children and adults with learning disabilities who have experienced abuse or trauma, as well as those who have abused others, through psychotherapy, advocacy and other support.
Tel: 0808 808 0700

Woman’s Trust
Offer specialist domestic violence counselling in East London with pan-London support groups and workshops available.
Tel: 0207 0374 0303

Rape Crisis England & Wales
Umbrella body for a network of independent Rape Crisis Centres. All their member Centres provide specialist support and services for victims and survivors of sexual violence.

If you experience sexual harassment on public transport, you can report to TFL directly


Trauma-informed service established to assist high risk victims of stalking in England and Wales.
T:  020 3866 4107

National Stalking Helpline 
Practical advice and information to anyone who is currently or previously been effected by harassment or stalking.
T:  0808 802 0300 
Suzy Lamplugh London Stalking Support Service gives support to Londoners who are victims of stalking.
Suzy Lampugh Am I Being Stalked Tool : online tool if you are worried someone may be stalking you.

Action Against Stalking
Umbrella organisation championing the rights of stalking victims across the UK and across the globe.

Protection Against Stalking
he vision of this organisation is to change society's perception of stalking and to improve the safety for all victims of stalking and harassment and for perpetrators to be held to account by the Criminal Justice system.

Report a Stalker
nformation and advice on how to report a stalker.
nformation about stalking and staying safe and includes a national consultation questionnaire. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened