1.What is the Code of Conduct?

1.1.This code is designed to ensure the highest possible standards of competition, sportsmanship, fairness, honesty and behaviour in relation to the conduct of all University of East London representatives;

1.2.UELSports regards any breach of this code as a serious matter and may take disciplinary action against an individual or group acting in breach of the code;

1.3.This code sets out the types of conduct that will not be accepted by any University of East London representatives. The list in the code is not exhaustive and other acts deemed by UELSports to be unacceptable may be treated in the same way as breaches of the code;

1.4.This code may apply in addition to other policies determined by UELSports or the University of East London.

2.Who does the code apply to?

This code applies to:

All UELSports club members;

All persons officially appointed to any team or individual competing in an event (including administrators, coaches, managers, medical practitioners and physiotherapists);

Supporters of official University of East London teams and individuals.

3.When does the code apply?

The code applies when liaising with UELSports & SportsDock members of staff, travelling to and from competitions, when competing, and at all other times where sporting and social events are organised under the umbrella of the University of East London, UELSports, or constituent UELSports Clubs.

4.General Code of Conduct

All UELSports members must:

4.1.Respect the rights, dignity and values of others;

4.2.Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others;

4.3.Take responsibility for their actions;

4.4.Not encourage or pressure others into acting against the code;

4.5.Operate within the rules of the sport including national guidelines which govern the sport;

4.6.Be aware of how their actions may be perceived by others;

4.7.Maintain high standards of personal behaviour at all time’s e.g. fair play;

4.8.Conduct themselves in a reasonable manner relating to language and temper;

4.9.Refrain from any form of harassment of others;

4.10.Refrain from any behaviour that may bring the University, UELSports or the Club into disrepute;

4.11.Only consume alcohol in an approved area, in line with relevant liquor licensing regulations;

4.12.Not be unduly intoxicated at any event or social function organised under the umbrella of the Club, UELSports or the University;

4.13.Not to use any illegal drug whether performance enhancing or recreational when representing the Club, UELSports or the University;

4.14.Comply with all reasonable instructions issued by officials;

4.15.Not act in an unlawful manner;

4.16.Abide by the rules and respect the decisions of officials and UELSports and SportsDock staff, making all appeals through the formal process and respecting the final decision;

4.17.Understand the repercussions of any breaches of this Code of Conduct.

5.What behavior is in breach of the code?

In addition to failing to comply with clause 4, any of the following types of behavior shall be in breach of the Code:

5.1 Consuming alcohol unless in an approved area, in line with relevant liquor licensing regulations;

5.2 Being, or encouraging others (against their will) to become, unduly intoxicated at any official event or club social function;

5.3 Using or possessing any illegal or prohibited drug; the trafficking in prohibited substances or administering or attempting to administer prohibited substances to another athlete all constitute a breach in the code. All athletes must take full personal responsibility for any substance in their body;

5.4 Failing to comply with a reasonable direction of a UELSports or SportsDock member of staff or event Official;

5.5 Breaching the relevant sport, event or competition rules, regulations and/ or policies;

5.6 Abusing, threatening or intimidating a member of UELSports & SportsDock member of staff, event or competition official, coach, manager or other squad official or any other participant, whether before, during or after the event or competition;

5.7 Showing unnecessary or obvious dissension, displeasure or disapproval towards a UELSports & SportsDock member of staff, event or competition official, his or her decision, or generally after a decision of an official has been made;

5.8 Using crude or abusive language or gestures towards a UELSports & SportsDock member of staff, official or any other person present at the event or competition (including, without limitation, a spectator, official, volunteer or participant);

5.9 Do anything which is likely to intimidate, offend, insult or humiliate another person involved in the club/event on the basis of their sex, disability, race, colour, age, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual preference or political belief;

5.10 Conducting themselves in any manner, or engage in any activity, whether before, during or after an event or competition (including during training and other activities), that would impair public confidence in the honest and orderly conduct of events and competitions or in the integrity and good character of the Club, UELSports, the University, or university sport in general;

5.11 Do anything which adversely affects or reflects on or discredits the Club, UELSports, or the University;

5.12 Harassing and/or victimizing others on the basis of their year of study/age, including organising and/or partaking in initiation ceremonies

5.13 Acting in an unlawful manner.

6.What happens if the code is breached?

If UELSports receives information which it considers may be in breach of this code, it shall:

6.1 Investigate the alleged breach, and if satisfied that a breach may have occurred, refer the matter to the UELSports Disciplinary Committee, which consists of the Sports Development Manager, Director of Sport, a member of University staff, all to be selected and invited by the Sports Development Manager;

6.2 Convene a meeting of the UELSports Disciplinary Committee, make a ruling on the breach and issue punishments deemed by the Disciplinary committee as appropriate;

6.3 Refer incidents to the University disciplinary procedures where it is considered that the breach is of a sufficiently serious nature.

6.4 Any individual that is on a UELSports scholarship will be removed from the program.


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