Sexual harassment is unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature and is the inappropriate use of sexual comments or activities in all environments of university life. Sexual harassment can violate your dignity, make you feel intimidated, degraded or humiliated and can create an unpleasant environment for everyone. It is totally unacceptable and anyone who reports an incident will always be believed and supported.

Here are some (but not all) forms of sexual harassment:

  • Emphasising the sex of a person or group in a negative way
  • Suggestive and/or unwelcome sexual comments or gestures
  • Unnecessary and/or unwelcome physical contact
  • Pulling at or lifting someone's clothing and/or exposing their body (in public or private) without consent
  • Unwelcome, sexually explicit comments or language via the internet
  • Displaying or sending pornographic, degrading or indecent images electronically

Revenge porn

Revenge Porn is the sharing of private, sexual materials, either photos or videos, of another person, without their consent and with the purpose of causing embarrassment or distress.
It is a criminal offence that applies both online and offline, and to images which are shared electronically or in a more traditional way so it includes the uploading of images on the internet, sharing by text and e-mail, or showing someone a physical or electronic image.


Upskirting is a highly intrusive behaviour, which typically involves someone taking a picture under another person’s clothing without their knowledge or permission, with the intention of viewing their genitals or buttocks (with or without underwear). It is a criminal offence since 2019 and offenders may face up to 2 years in jail. It also violates the Student Code of Conduct and the Dignity at Work and Study Policy. If you witness or experience such behaviour then you may report it through the report page on this system.

What to do if you are affected by any of these issues 

If you:
  • Experience serious assault or sexual violence and are hurt or in danger
  • Witness a serious assault or sexual violence and the person involved is hurt or in danger
Then you must seek help immediately. If you are on campus then you should report it to the university in the first instance and they will call the emergency services if necessary.

If you are on:

Docklands campus contact 0208 223 5599

Stratford campus contact 0208 223 4073

USS campus contact 0208 223 7888

If it is a non-emergency then you can report it online and someone will contact you within 3 working days, or you may decide to report an incident anonymously. This means that the incident will be logged for statistical purposes, however we are unable to take any direct action on anonymous reports.

 UEL students have access to an online learning tool called Consent Matters which is designed to help all students understand sexual consent, promote effective communication and respectful relationships, and empower students to be active bystanders. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened