Emergency Services: 999 

Support at UEL:

Campus Security 

  • Docklands T: 0208 223 5599 
  • Stratford T: 0208 223 4073 
  • USS T: 0208 223 7888 


Independent Sexual Domestic Violence Advisor (ISDVA)

The ISDVA service is an independent and confidential support service available to UEL students who have experienced domestic abuse and/or sexual misconduct. The service is also available to members of the university community (including academic and support staff) who need advice whilst supporting a student.E: isdva@uel.ac.uk 

Student Wellbeing Team (students)

The University’s Wellbeing Team provides further information on  mental health and wellbeing. T: 0208 223 4444 E: wellbeing@uel.ac.uk 


The Student Assistance Programme (SAP) is a free, confidential counselling and wellbeing support service available to all students.

You can also access the service by contacting:

Freephone UK: 0800 031 8227WhatsApp/SMS: Text ‘Hi’ to +44 7418 360 780International: 00353 1 518 0277

External support

General Support Resources

Everyone's Invited helpline

A dedicated line for children and young people who have been victims of abuse and for worried adults and professionals that need support and guidance.  Run by fully-trained NSPCC helpline staff and will offer advice for anyone concerned about current or non-recent abuse

E: help@nspcc.org.uk

T:  0800 136 663 ( Monday to Friday 8am – 10pm or 9am – 6pm at the weekends )

First Person Plural

Survivor led association for survivors of trauma and abuse who experience dissociative distress, offers support and information to survivors, families and friends through a newsletter (subs £7/£10), optional contact list and meetings for survivors for members only.

Rape Crisis England and WalesSee website for list of rape crisis centres. Also information and practical advice.


Rape Crisis Network EuropeRCNE is the network of European rape crisis centres.  We aim to make sure that anyone who experiences sexual violence can get the help they need.  We are active in influencing policy, standards and legislation through European governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).  Revenge Porn HelplineUK service supporting adults (aged 18+) who are experiencing intimate image abuse, also known as, revenge porn.T: 0345 600 0459 (Open 10:00-16:00 Monday-Friday)

SafelineA specialised charity working to prevent sexual abuse and to support those affected in their recovery.Male Helpline: 0808 800 5005

General Helpline: 0808 800 5008

Young people’s Helpline: 0808 800 5007 The Haven The Havens are specialist centres in London for people who have been raped or sexually assaulted.The closest Haven SARC to UEL is in Whitechapel, near to Royal London HospitalT: 0203 299 6900

The Survivors Trust

Rape and sexual abuse can happen to anyone regardless of their age, gender, race, religion, culture or social status.  Living with the consequences of rape and sexual abuse can be devastating. We believe that all survivors are entitled to receive the best possible response to their needs whether or not they choose to report. 

Gender-Based Support Resources

Rape Crisis Live Chat Helpline

The Live Chat Helpline is a free, anonymous, confidential service. Women and girls aged 16+ who have experienced rape, sexual abuse or any form or sexual violence can access the helpline to get emotional support online. It is open various times Monday-Friday, see link for details. 


Information and support for men and women who have experienced domestic violence. There is also support available for men who have perpetrated domestic violence.E: info@respectphoneline.org.ukT (if you are experiencing domestic violence): 0808 801 0327T (if you are hurting someone you love and need help to stop): 0808 802 4040

SafelineA specialised charity working to prevent sexual abuse and to support those affected in their recovery.Male Helpline: 0808 800 5005

General Helpline: 0808 800 5008

Young people’s Helpline: 0808 800 5007 

Survivors UK  

Support for male survivors of sexual abuse and rapeT: 0203 598 3898E: help@survivorsuk.org

Women Against Rape

This is the joint website of  Women Against Rape and Black Women's Rape Action Project. Both organisations are based on self-help and provide support, legal information and advocacy. We campaign for justice and protection for all women and girls, including asylum seekers, who have suffered sexual, domestic and/or racist violence.  Women and Girls’ Network  

Counselling and support to help women and girls recover from violenceT: 0808 801 0770

LGBTQ+ Support Resources

 Galop: The LGBT+ anti violence charityIf you’ve experienced hate crime, sexual violence or domestic abuse, we’re here for you. We also support lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer people who have had problems with the police or have questions about the criminal justice system.Incident report form  (Note: UEL will not see this report or any of its contents)London LGBT+ Advice LineT: 020 7704 2040E: referrals@galop.org.uk 

National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse HelplineT: 0800 999 5428E: help@galop.org.uk 

Disability-Based Support Resources

RespondHelpline, counselling and psychotherapy for children, adults and elders with learning difficulties who are either victims or perpetrators of sexual abuse.

Race-Based Support Resources

Women Against Rape

This is the joint website of  Women Against Rape and Black Women's Rape Action Project. Both organisations are based on self-help and provide support, legal information and advocacy. We campaign for justice and protection for all women and girls, including asylum seekers, who have suffered sexual, domestic and/or racist violence.

Student Sex Worker Resources

National Ugly Mugs

Working hard to end all forms of violence against Sex Workers

T:  0161 629 9861

Support for Student Sex Workers

If you are not a student but still identify with the sex work community, please do not hesitate to get in touch. This is a confidential service.

T:  07861381289 

 Resources for Perpetrators


Information and support for men and women who have experienced domestic violence. There is also support available for men who have perpetrated domestic violence. E: info@respectphoneline.org.ukT (if you are experiencing domestic violence): 0808 801 0327T (if you are hurting someone you love and need help to stop): 0808 802 4040 

RespondHelpline, counselling and psychotherapy for children, adults and elders with learning difficulties who are either victims or perpetrators of sexual abuse. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened