If you think you have been sexually assaulted, it may be hard to know what to do or how to feel. What happened was not your fault. What you do next is your choice.

If you have experienced sexual violence, the University will:
  • Empower you to report to the University or the police (if that’s what you want to do)
  • We won’t pass on information without your consent unless: it’s an emergency and there’s a risk of imminent harm to you or anyone else/the report involves people(s) under 18 or a vulnerable adult
  • Please note the University will deal with allegations of misconduct as a potential breach of disciplinary regulations and not as a criminal offence
  • Take disclosures seriously, you will be believed and treated with dignity and respect
  • Act in a timely, sensitive and discrete manner to any reports of sexual violence
  • Support you to access specialist help and support
  • Respond to disclosures in a way that supports any potential criminal investigation
  • Take all precautionary actions needed to protect you and anyone else who could be at risk (safeguarding)
If you are not sure what has happened to you, and how it might be viewed (e.g. have I been sexually assaulted?) please speak to a member of our Student Wellbeing Team so they can support you. You may initially want to speak to a staff member you know for guidance , but if you are still unsure about who to contact and you wish to speak to a member of the wellbeing team for advice, email wellbeing@uel.ac.uk and one of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have been sexually assaulted:
  • Try to be somewhere that feels safe
  • You might be in shock, so try to keep warm
  • See if a friend or someone you trust can be with you
  • Talk to someone about what has happened

  • Are you in immediate danger? If you are in immediate danger or seriously injured, you can call 999.
  • Finding a safe space. If possible, try and find somewhere you feel safe. If this isn't possible and you are on campus you can call security on:
  • 0208 223 5599 (Docklands)
  • 0208 223 4073 (Stratford)
  • 0208 223 7888 (USS)

  • To a friend. Talking things through with someone you trust can sometimes help.
  • SU Advice Team. The Students' Union provides a confidential, non-judgemental and free service available to all UEL Students. The Students’ Union is independent from the university. The advice team provides specialist advice and support on academic issues such as concerns about your university experience, formal complaints and appeals, disciplinary hearings and academic misconduct investigations.
  • You can speak to your manager, HR or the Employee Assistance Programme. Reports will be taken seriously and where appropriate action will be taken.
  • The NSPCC has been commissioned by the Department of Education to set up an independent helpline for children, parents and professionals to seek expert, sensitive advice from the NSPCC and safely report abuse that has happened or is happening in educational settings.  The helpline is a dedicated line for children and young people who have been victims of abuse and for worried adults and professionals that need support and guidance. Run by fully-trained NSPCC helpline staff, the helpline will offer advice for anyone concerned about current or non-recent abuse.  Please contact the helpline on 0800 136 663 Monday to Friday 8am – 10pm or 9am – 6pm at the weekends or email help@nspcc.org.uk 

  • Students and staff can report an incident using the Report and Support system. You can choose to do this anonymously or you can request support by filling in the form with your contact details.
  • If you experience sexual harassment on public transport, you can report to TFL directly.
  • University Procedure. If you choose to make a formal complaint to the University against a student or a member of staff there are procedures which set out the steps you'll need to follow

You can find links to UEL and external support services here.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened